Well the save the dates are a hit. My phone was filled with text messages yesterday of locals who received them in the mail. Thank you for all the sweet words and I am so glad that they all made it to you safely and in one piece. For those of you who haven't gotten them yet, they are coming I promise!
This blog post is not about the wedding it is about some other exciting news. This is the year of change for our entire family. I am getting married in March and my cousins, my matrons of honor, are PREGNANT!!! I am so glad i can finally spill the beans and announce how excited we all are about the new little bundles of joy that will be here in May! Here is how it all happened....
Rachel who got married last May found out she was pregnant first. The weekend I went to pick up my wedding dress she came to Houston to tell all of us. We were so excited for her and Andrew to be expecting their first baby and I was so excited to share this time with her. We are both having such life altering events so close together; I am starting my family and she is adding a new member to hers. This is the picture she used to tell everyone.
A few weeks later we saw this....
Right now we don't know the sex of if they are going to be identical or not but we do know there are two very healthy babies in there! She is due May 7th and we are just hoping she feels well enough and the doctor gives her the OK to come to the wedding...we shall wait and see but for now everyone just pray that she if feeling awesome and can come rock her baby bump!
Now, On to Amanda....Les and Amanda got married back in 2005. They welcomed Maddie into the world in 2007 and Cadence into the world in 2010. They have been very busy with their two beautiful girls but things are about to get a lot busier because they are being blessed with one more! Amanda found out she was pregnant almost right after Rachel. She called me the morning after my engagement party and Maddie told me her and Cadence were going to be big sisters! I was in shock and could not believe that not only was Rae having twins but Amanda is also pregnant.
Here is little baby Lawless!
Amanda is feeling great but is hungry all the time! She is due May 22 and I am really hoping for a boy!! I can't wait to see her rocking that bump at the wedding; she is going to look so cute in the bridesmaid dresses.
This is the picture Amanda used to tell everyone she was expecting...
The girls made a joke that this is my fault for picking bridemaid dresses that can accommodate babies. When they tried them on I made the comment "just incase one of you decided to get preggers" who knew it would really happen.
Spring is going to be very exciting and I can't wait to have 3 more babies in the family!!
I hope everyone has a great saturday and a happy game day! How 'Bout Them Dawgs.
the engaged couple