I hope as you read the title of this post you are signing a little Dolly in the back of your mind! I won't be working 9-5 but I will be working 8-3 starting on January 7th!! I will be the new kindergarten teacher at Crawford elementary! I interviewed for the position on Friday and they called me Friday afternoon to offer me the Job! I can not feel more blessed for this opportunity; when not finding a teaching job this fall I gave it to God and knew he wold take care of me and he did! God is so good!
Andrew and I went to Shreveport on Friday and got to celebrate my new job with my parents and friends. We ate at the cub then stayed for drinks with Dude, Chase, and Wiley.
On Saturday Andrew and my Dad rode out to the camp to stay the night while Mom and I had a girls day. We started at Lewis to register for all my amazing dishes and household things. I loved getting to have my mom help pick out new things. She wasn't able to come over and help me at Townsend house so it made Lewis very special.
Here we are at Lewis's |
After Lewis's we went to lunch at trejos. Ashley Wiggins met us and we laughed a lot. She is so funny and I love when she gets to hang out with us. While at lunch we made plans to watch the Lsu game with her later that night. Mom and I finished out our girls day by looking for her some new glasses and shopping at target! It was such a fun and relaxing day; I loved every second of just getting to hang with my mom!
Overall it was a great weekend full of celebration! The only thing that would have made it better was if Andrew could have killed a deer but hopefully he sees something while we're in Mississippi!
Happy hump day!
The engaged couple
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