When did life get so busy?
In high school it was all the extra curricular’s, the football games, the parties. In college it was the the parties at the fraternity house, tailgating at all the football games and a little studying here and there. After graduation it was the wedding and we always said things would really slow down after that but they just haven’t.
We moved.
Andrew started a new job.
I started a new job.
Things are busy.
I was feeling really good before I started my job in September. Yes I was sad I wasn’t teaching but I had my life together. I was finally blogging like I really wanted too, our rent house was finally feeling like a home and we were getting settled.
Then I got my job. I don’t want to sound as if I am complaining because I am not. My job is amazing. It has been such a blessing in my life because I have the best team and parent and kiddos but I really have been in survival mode. I am always making something for my kids, doing some sort of training, or planning for the upcoming week.
I just cant turn my brain off. This has always been a major problem of mine and my granny fusses at me all the time but I really can’t. When something needs to be done I can’t stop thinking about it till its done -- it’s a blessing and a curse.
My brain (and type A personality) keeps my busy but isn’t this is supposed to be the slow season in our life? I mean we were so busy growing up and after babies come life is crazy for at least 18 years then you spend the rest of the time worrying because they aren’t home keeping you busy.
I just don’t understand...I ready for the times to sit by the fire pit, or on the front porch sipping coffee. The times of weekends with no set plans. Weekends to recuperate from the rat race we’re living in. Andrew and I just aren’t rat race people - we like the slow southern life.
I just really don’t know when life got so busy.
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