Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Look....

Well as you can see the blog is getting a new look. I thought since I am turning over a new leaf with this whole blogging thing that a new look was needed.

When I decided to change things up I look to a fellow blogger, Meg over at Everyday Meg, for a little advice.  Her blog is very cute and I wanted mine to be cute too. I just wanted the name of the person who designed hers and then she told me something I wasn't expecting...SHE DID IT HERSELF!

So that got me to thinking that if she could do it so could I. So while Liam was napping (he's my new baby that I am nannying for but thats for another post) I did a little research via Google, downloaded some new app on my macbook and got busy. I knew I wanted a teal ombre included, and I wanted to use this really cute font I downloaded (download it here) but that was it. It was a lot of trail and error trying to get the sizes right but I think it came out pretty cute.

Although it is a work in progress, my goal was to have a new header and to make the blog easier to read and I think those two goals were accomplished.

I hope everyone had a great day and I leave you with the best commerical on TV right now...


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